Sunday, January 29, 2006
Trips: My husband at Krispy Kreme

And there he is going into Krispy Kreme ...
From Krispy Kreme we headed home. We got a little bit down the road when he said that he wasn't feeling well. Then he got a head ache. Then he felt sick. For those of you who know he's diabetic ... no, he did not eat donuts. All he had there was some milk. This was something else.
He got to feeling worse. About an hour from home he decided to pull over and let Jason drive. Jason didn't get very far when he had to pull over and my poor little hubby got sick on the side of the road. He told us that he hadn't thrown up since he was a senior in high school.
We made it home and went to bed. I was worn out and slept right through the night until morning, which is unusual for me. We didn't get home until 11:45pm.
So, that was our trip. I'm sure we won't eat Thia food for a little while. He said it wasn't as good the second time around.
Oh, I know ... that's gross. Too much information!!! Sorry!