Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hannibal Session: Session Last Night
We said goodbye to Billy Bob last night. He's off to the Air Force and will be missed terribly. He said that he will be back at Christmas time. I'm going to miss his smile and his great enthusiasm for the music.
We had some guests from the Ely Opry join us last night. The Quincy group is going to go play with them this Thursday after our La Gondola session is over. I'm really looking forward to that. John, one of their fiddlers, is going to teach me some new tunes and some of the old time tunes that I've been wanting to learn.
We missed some of our regulars last night: Markie, Joshua, Betsy, Clayton, Phillip, Ian and Elizabeth. Markie is in Louisianna, Betsy is busy with school, Elizabeth couldn't get away ... I'm not sure about everyone else. Just know that we missed you. Sorry if I missed anyone. :)
I got to play Minnie Pearl at the session last night. That fiddle plays so well. I discovered last night that I can actually play faster on it because I'm not having to work so hard to get the notes out. I got a lot of extra notes in that I'm usually not able to squeeze in. That was great!!!
Well, I'm off to do chores.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Oranges

This pair of salt and pepper shakers are marked Japan on the bottom.
They look good enough to eat!!! Nice and ripe!!!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Mormon Tabernacle

This salt and pepper shaker is marked Japan on the bottom.
This is a replica of the Mormon Tabernacle. This is, of course, where the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performs.
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Kissing Boy and Girl

This set of salt and pepper shakers are marked Japan on the bottom.
They are supposed to be seated on a wooden bench but I don't have a bench to go with them.
Good Morning!!!
I was worried that I wouldn't make it out there in time, but did just fine!
The dog had to go out at 5:00am this morning. I had a very good nights sleep.
My fingers have rested and I'm ready to play some more music today. Tonight is Hannibal Session and I'm looking forward to that.
Must go eat breakfast.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Orphanage: My Friend Barb, in Thialand ...
She is serving as the "house mother" in an orphanage which she set up and started for newborn babies there in Thialand.
She sends me photos and keeps me updated ... and my heart breaks a little every time I look at these little babies.
I'm very proud of her for the work she is doing.
I hope she is getting some sleep.
Go Barb!!!
Orphanage: Barb
Orphanage: Barb
Orphanage: Barb in a taxi

Here's Barb (in yellow) and her friends/helpers heading to the house where she will get the orphanage up and running.
Orphanage: Thialand View
Orphanage: A Thialand View
Orphanage: Noah and Luke
Orphanage: Hope and Torri
Orphanage: Brenda, Luke, Barb and Noah

Here are Luke and Noah with their Santa hats on!!!
Brenda is holding Luke ... Barb is on the right, holding Noah.
Orphanage: Baby Nuu

Here is a picture of baby Nuu ... all dressed up.
There's Barb in the very back with a boy sitting in her lap.
Orphanage: Baby Nuu
Orphanage: Baby Noah
Orphanage: Hope and Torri
Orphanage: Torri says Hi
Orphanage: My Friend Barb
She is serving as the "house mother" in an orphanage for newborns there in Thialand.
She sends me photos and keeps me updated ... and my heart breaks a little every time I look at these little babies.
I'm very proud of her for the work she is doing.
Go Barb!!!
Orphanage: Barb and Baby Luke
Orphanage: Barb and Baby Hope
Barns: Another Barn
Barns: An old Shed

If you look into the edge of the woods ... just to the left of the big tree at the edge of the field ... you can see some sort of little shed.
What do you think it was used for?
Barns: Two Barns

Actually, I guess this is a red barn and some kind of workshop off to the side. It's very secluded in the trees.
Note to Chris ...
I just mailed you a letter and included this blog address.
I just want you to know that I love you ... I'm proud of you ... I believe in you and your ability to succeed ... I know that you can get through this stuff and obtain a better tomorrow.
When you need us, call ... just like you did the other night. I'm very proud of you for reaching out like you did.
You are going to make it!!!!!!
Family: The Chicken Pox Boys

Here are Chris and Tom when they had chickenpox. It was easter and they had to stay home and hunt their easter eggs alone. :(
Don't worry ... they survived!!
Ava: Here I am ...

Okay ... here's how it is.
If you're going to put pictures of other people on your blog ... you have to occasionally put up one of yourself as well.
Just in case I've embarrassed anyone by putting their picture up ... I'll take the opportunity to let you get even.
Here it is ...
This is me in my curlers.
Now ... THAT'S embarrassing!!!!!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Decorative salt and pepper shakers

This pair of salt and pepper shakers are marked Japan on the bottom.
These are categorized as decorative shakers.
Salt and Pepper Shakers: My Little Donkey

This is a little donkey marked Japan on the bottom.
No, it is not a salt and pepper shaker ... I just liked it. Look at it's little face and ears. How could I resist that?
Good morning to you!
I passed a guy puking in his driveway. When he was done, he spit, got in his car and headed off somewhere.
Gross! It was all stringy.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Music: Fiddle Tunes
I came home to test my memory skills and here are the songs that I know from memory:
Anniversary Song, Grumbling Old Man, John Ryan's Polka, Nail That Catfish to a Tree, Red Wing, Soldier's Joy, Squirrel Heads and Gravy, Tam Lin, Whiskey Before Breakfast, King of the Fairies, Kesh Jig, Boil Them Cabbage Down, Eighth of January, Girl I Left Behind, Golden Slippers, Hobart's Transformation, Last Rose of Summer, Leitrim Fancy, Liberty, Danny Boy, Midnight on the Water, Mississippi Sawyer, Missouri Waltz, Morrison's Jig, Mullberry March, Off She Goes, Over the Waterfall, Pigeon on the Gate, Ragtime Annie, Road to Lisdoonvarna, St. Anne's Reel, Sally Gardens, Chicken Reel, Gary Owen ... and I know "parts" of several other tunes.
So ...
What did I learn from my "brain dead" experience?
Carry a list!!!!!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Auction
So ...
Of course I went and checked it out!!!! Oh my gosh! There was tons of stuff ... quilting pieces ... quilting squares already pieced ... salt and pepper shakers ... dishes ... toys ... tools ... marbles ... furniture ... pots and pans ... cups ... glasses ... collector plates ... figurines (lots of chickens and roosters) ... stuff ... stuff ... and more stuff.
I didn't stay long ... about twenty minutes ... and I didn't buy anything. It sure was fun looking through it all though.
Salt and Pepper Shakers ...
Anything that brings you enjoyment, either from using it or looking at it ... is not clutter.
Instruments: Minnie Pearl
Well, on the way home from Pittsfield, I swung by the Jam Factory to see Chris and Melanie and check out Minnie Pearl. She plays beautifully ... sings ... would be a more accurate discription. I can't wait to get her home!!!!!
I'm Back
Our contest performance went very well, I thought. We played at 8:32am.
I went to an antique store and found my "purchase of the week". I found a set of salt and pepper shakers for $5.00!!! They are marked Japan and are a decorative set, hand painted with a windmill. They are worth $15.00 to $20.00 if sold to another collector.
Wew Hew!!!!!
I'll have to post a picture of them later.
Contest Day!!!
Must go put on my make up. Must look "lovely". (Yeah, right!)
Ta Ta
Friday, February 24, 2006
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Yellow Dogs

This pair are marked Japan on the bottm. I like the way their tails curl around to make a handle for the shakers.
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Little White Dogs

This pair of dogs are marked Japan on the bottom. They sure seem to be begging for something. A treat?
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Deer and fawn
Reading: Clutter Be Gone!
Now, I am a confessed pack rat.
I keep a lot of sentimental stuff.
I also keep a lot of crap! Some of it just needs to go in the garbage.
I don't have things organized yet, but I have not been adding anything new to my clutter. It's the "crap" stuff that needs to go.
I'll get there!
I drive to Pittsfield, IL tomorrow to play accompaniment for contest the band and orchestra. I only play once. Then I get to come home.
Then I guess it's music and movies the rest of the day.
The dog and I took Tom to work this afternoon and then went and paid the insurance bill.
It'll be an evening curled up on the couch with a blankie watching tv for me!!!
Businesses: Coca Cola Building
Businesses: Coca Cola Building
Houses: Brick House

Here is the side view of another brick house in Quincy. I like the big shade tree in the front yard.
Houses: Older Brick House
Barns: Red Barn
Barns: Red Barn

You can look at this picture and tell that this is a working farm.
Actually ... I can even imagine the smell!!!
Barns: Old Barn

I like this picture a lot.
The pond and the trees in the background are a nice frame for the barn. You can see the cows in the barnyard eating hay. (hard to see ... but they are there)
Salt and Pepper Shakers:
Here's a quote from www.the4cs.com:
"Following the end of World War II in 1945 and until 1952, items imported from Japan to the United States had to be marked in a fashion indicating they came from Occupied Japan. Although four different marks were used on cups and saucers during this time ("Japan," "Made in Japan," "Occupied Japan," and "Made in Occupied Japan"), only the last two marks guarantee the pieces were made in the Occupied Japan timeframe. For serious Occupied Japan collectors, it is items with these two marks for which they search."
Here's what I know ...
In general ...
Items marked "Japan" are pre 1945.
Items marked "Occupied Japan" or "Made in Occupied Japan" are 1945 to 1952. In that same time period you may come across items marked both "Japan" and "Occupied Japan". That is because some items were already made during that period before they began stamping "Occupied Japan". Some items were re-stamped and show both stamps, while other items had already been shipped. That means that you can have two idential sets of salt and pepper shakers ... from the same period ... and have one that is stamped "Japan" while the other one is stamped "Occupied Japan".
Any items made after 1952 had to be stamped "Made in Japan".
So ... Today a "Japan" item would be 61 years old or older. An "Occupied Japan" item would be between 54 and 61 years old. A "Made in Japan" item would be up to 54 years old. I just think that is really cool!!!!!
These three catagories are usually the most valuable to have. However, some salt and pepper shakers are just darn cute! I collect those too!!!!
You can also date your items by the manufacturer stamp when there is one. If you research, you can find out when these companies were started, how long they were open, what years they manufactured and when they closed or if they are still in operation today.
Anyway, I'll be sharing them with you a few at a time. Hope you enjoy!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Ears of Corn

This pair of salt and pepper shakers are stamped Japan on the bottom.
What cute little ears of corn! I fell in love with them the moment I saw them.
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Churns

This pair of salt and pepper shakers are stamped Japan on the bottom.
What a cute pair of churns. I've never used an actual churn to make butter, but I have shaken an old mason jar! Wow, you talk about tired arms!!!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Bare Feet

This pair of salt and pepper shakers is stamped Japan on the bottm.
I especially like the "wriggling" big toes!!!!
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Yellow Ducks

This is a pair of German salt and pepper shakers. They are number stamped on the side #3539. I liked the look of them.
Quincy Session: at La Gondola
The players last night were Andrew on bouzouki and banjo; Sondra on mandolin and banjo; Larry on fiddle and banjo; Joann on whistle and tambourine; Dave on guitar; Fred on guitar; and Ava on fiddle, mandolin and guitar.
We had four in the audience ... Rick and Vick; and two ladies enjoying their dinner.
We played Smash the Windows, Haste to the Wedding, Morrison's Jig, Lietrim Fancy, Soldiers Joy, Tam Lin, Anniversary Song, Squirrel Heads and Gravy, Temperance Reel and Ragtime Annie. I know I missed a few ... but this is an overall list.
Next Thursday when our Quincy jam is over at 8:30, we're going to load up and head out to the Ely Opry. I am really looking forward to that.
There's some type of Irish Music class at John Wood in two weeks on Thursday and we're thinking about taking a field trip as a group to go instead of playing the jam. Dave is going to bring the information next week and we'll decide what we're going to do. Joann had already talked about it previously. I don't remember how much it costs ... we'll find out next Thursday.
Well, I'm off to work, to post, do laundry and play some music.
Talk to you later!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Family, Tom: Comfy?
Chris, Tom: Chris and Tom Together Again.

Here are my sons, Chris and Tom. Tom is in the brown shirt ... Chris is in the blue.
I sure do love those guys.
Family: Little Molly

This is my mom, Glenda, and one of her babies, Molly. She has three. Molly is grey, Luke is black and tan and Junior us white.
Tom, My Dog: Tom and Nash
Tom, My Dog: Tom and Nash
Tom, My Dog: Tom and Nash
Tom, My Dog: Tom and Nash

Here is my son, Tom, playing tug of war with Nash. This is when Nash was still a puppy. He's taller than that now and weighs 70 pounds.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Barns: Another Silo

Here's another Silo ... these are older pictures taken when I didn't have my newest computer photo editing software. Now you understand ...
You can see the silver roof tip of the barn and the huge silo on the property.