Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Aesop's Fables: The Mouse and the Bull

When it happened, it surprised everyone. A cheeky little mouse went up to a bull as the great animal was grazing. Suddenly the mouse darted forward and bit the great bull on the nose.
The bull roared with surprise and fury. The mouse turned and fled. Lowering his horns the bull hcarged after the tiny creature.
Just when it looked as if the bull would catch up with the mouse and toss it high into the air, the tiny animal reached its hole in a wall and scuttled in to safety.
The bull snorted and pawed the ground outside the hole, daring the mouse to come out and face him. The mouse laughed at him.
This was too much! The bull backed off and then charged at the wall, butting it with his head. He repeated this several times. The strong wall did not even shake. The bull realized that his head was now very sore. He felt dizzy and sank to his knees.
This was just what the mouse had been waiting for. As the exhausted bull sprawled on the ground, his head only a short distance from the hole, the mouse darted out and bit him on the nose again!
This time the bull's angry roar could be heard all over the fields. He rose to his feet and tried to trample on the mouse. The big animal was far too slow. The mouse was already back in his hole.
The bull bellowed and stamped his feet until the ground shook. There was nothing else he could do.
Presently a little voice squeaked from the safety of the wall, "You big strong fellows don't win all the time, you know!"
Moral: Size and strength is not always enough.