Monday, June 26, 2006



It's grandbaby time!!!!

Here's Chandler and I,
I'm kissing his little cheek.
He's so sweet to hold.

Here he is in his bouncy seat.
Look at those legs!!!!

And here he is snuggling with me,
Just about to go to sleep.

Good night little one!

Hello Ava ~~ What a beautiful little
grandson, he looks so content.
I do hope your son is better, or on the way, and I hope your migraine is better. No wnder you got this one with the news of your son.
Thanks for your comments.
Take care, Merle.
Thank you Merle! And my migraine is gone for the moment.
Hug and kiss that baby as much as you can!!Suck in that good, new, powerful energy and be born again with it. Babies are such a blessing!
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