Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Buildings: Pittsfield, IL court house on the square
Here are some pictures of the court house in Pittsfield, IL.
It's located in the center of the town square.
I thought it was very impressive.

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Awesome mason work, indeed!!
I lived in Kingston Ontario, Canada 1976-1980; and one thing Iloved about it, were the immigrant mason-works of Portuguese and Italian masons. Boy, can they build, to last!!
Kingston is primarily lime-stone old buildings, and it's so much nicer than todays siding-type styled homes.
I've always loved red or pink, or dove-grey brick!
WHEN I win a lottery(wink) I"m going to build me the cutest castle out of brick!! Nothing gaudy... something cottagy and quaint, win an indoor pool/games room... blah blah; all those thingies we fantasize about? lol
Looks like a great piglet fair Ava, nice turn-out!! Cute idea to have a piglet-tails hair contest for the wee lass's.
Your community sounds pretty nice, and active!
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I lived in Kingston Ontario, Canada 1976-1980; and one thing Iloved about it, were the immigrant mason-works of Portuguese and Italian masons. Boy, can they build, to last!!
Kingston is primarily lime-stone old buildings, and it's so much nicer than todays siding-type styled homes.
I've always loved red or pink, or dove-grey brick!
WHEN I win a lottery(wink) I"m going to build me the cutest castle out of brick!! Nothing gaudy... something cottagy and quaint, win an indoor pool/games room... blah blah; all those thingies we fantasize about? lol
Looks like a great piglet fair Ava, nice turn-out!! Cute idea to have a piglet-tails hair contest for the wee lass's.
Your community sounds pretty nice, and active!
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