Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Chandler and Chris:

There's my little Grandbaby one more time!
They went to get Father's Day pictures taken together.
Oh yes, there will be more to follow!!!

I can't wait to see Chandler this weekend
and hold him
and squeeze him
and kiss him
and talk to him
and sing to him
and hug him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya Friday!!
Hope you're ready for some dancing!!!!
Chandler is so adorable Ava!!

Give'm a squeeze from us too, ok?!
Oh, don't worry ... there's going to be lots of "squeezing" going on!
Sure, why not. Just as long as no video taping. haha.
He's so cute.

I'm now caught up on all your posts.

Love the kitty on the guitar.
Thank you, Ann!!! I'll be over to visit your blog tomorrow!
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